Acknowledgement or Jurat? Which one do you need?

Acknowledgement or Jurat? Which one do you need?

An acknowledgement and a jurat are both types of notarial acts or services performed by a notary public. They serve different purposes and are used in different contexts:

  1. Acknowledgement: An acknowledgement is a notarial act where a person (referred to as the "acknowledging party") formally declares before a notary public that they have willingly signed a document. The notary public verifies the identity of the acknowledging party and ensures that they understand the content of the document. The notary then acknowledges the signing by attaching their signature, seal, and a notarial certificate to the document. The acknowledgement essentially confirms that the acknowledging party signed the document voluntarily and that their identity has been verified.
  2. Jurat: A jurat is a notarial act where a person (referred to as the "affiant") makes a sworn statement or oath before a notary public. The affiant declares the truthfulness and accuracy of the contents of a document, such as an affidavit or deposition. The notary public administers the oath or affirmation to the affiant and verifies their identity. The notary then attaches a jurat certificate to the document, including their signature, seal, and details about the administration of the oath. The jurat certifies that the affiant appeared before the notary, made the statement under oath, and was properly identified.

In summary, an acknowledgement confirms the voluntary signing of a document, while a jurat verifies the truthfulness and accuracy of a sworn statement made by an affiant. The distinction lies in the nature of the notarial act performed and the purpose it serves.

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